Monday, September 21, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day!

Wow, it's hard to believe that tomorrow is my surgery date!

Something I've been looking forward to for so long. Almost seems unreal that is is actually upon us.

Sure I've gone through all the steps but to think it's really about to happen is mind blowing.

I've kept busy most of the day so haven't had time to dwell on it. Here it is 9pm and I haven't even had a chance to pack a single thing for the hospital. Not that I'll need much, but a few creature comforts will be nice.

Dan and I will be leaving here about 5am. Something tells me it's going to be nearly impossible to even seep tonight.

Part of me is saying not to do it. I should diet just one more time and this time I'll be really good on it. But the other part of me know this is best. Sure I might not be able to stuff myself with all the goodies at Thanksgiving, but I also won't be stuffing myself into clothes that are too small.

My Mom came to town today and will be helping watch the boys. Grandma left this morning and G was here when they woke up from naps.

Dan will be coming with me to the hospital. They will give him an update every 45 min-1 hr during surgery. He won't be able to see me until after I'm out of recovery. If you want news give his cell a call. Or if you don't have his number call mine and leave a message and as soon as I'm coherent enough I'll call or Dan can. I'm supposed to be up and walking within 2-3 hrs of getting in my room so I don't think I'll be totally out of it.

Thank you again to everyone for your support. I've received so many email and messages it has been great to know I have so many people who support me and this decision. I haven't had a chance to get back to everyone individually, things have been very busy lately, so please don't take offense to that if I didn't reply!

It's amazing that something I've wanted for so long is finally happening. I cannot wait!


  1. I'm so excited for you - drop me a text when you get a chance ;) Praying for ya!

  2. Good Luck Sweety! You'll do great! I am so excited for you! Can't wait to read your journey here on your blog!

  3. Hi all...the blog has moved. I can't log into this one for some reason anymore and Google, well..they just aren't any help!

    www.theshrinkingmachine/ is the new one
