Saturday, September 19, 2009

*GULP* 3 days

Day 3 of liquids is almost done.

I was just on a WLS forum and noticed a ticker in my siggy. It said "3 days until lap roux-en-y." Holy cow...3 more days!!! Practically 2 since it's 9pm now and surgery is so dang early in the morning.

The nights on liquids have been the hardest so far. Usually the time that the hubs and I veg on the couch, most of the times with a snack. There have been a few times where I have felt really hungry, so I'd have a drink or some Jell-O.

I mixed some sugar free cherry Jell-O with the unflavored Pure protein that I got. You can see the protein settled at the bottom, but I just mixed it up some with my spoon and you can't taste it one bit! It's going to be excellent for after surgery when I'll be struggling to get in my liquids and protein.

Tomorrow the bowel prep process begins. Not looking forward to it at all!!! Maybe I'll find a good book and lock myself in the bathroom haha.

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