Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I guess I've been on a kick of doing things for ME lately. It's been a while since I've taken time to really focus on Morgan. I'll admit, it's a bit odd!

Which brings us to...

my purchases of the day :)

Having RNY isn't a fix-all. It still takes a tremendous amount of work to get to goal weight, and eventually maintain. Sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk, sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk....that is how my days are going to be filled. Sipping because for a while I will only be able to drink 1oz of liquid every 5 minutes. Think the boys will mind if I borrow their sippy cups? ha!

So in order to get me up and walking and exercising, I got a few things to help.

I've wanted a bike for a while. Kept saying I'd wait for a sale (bikes NEVER go on sale, seriously I've scoured the weekly store ads constantly). Or I'd wait until we're settled after a move. Or I'd rather spend the money on something for the boys. Well today while L1 was in school, L2 and I set out on a mission. Funny thing is on the way to school L1 saw a friend's bike (they left it here on Sunday because it was raining so drove home instead of biked) and declared that I needed to get a bike since he and Daddy both have them. It was actually already on the agenda to go looking today. Guess he is inside his Mama's head some days!

L2 was a big helper, except he wanted to ride all the bikes himself! We ended up with this one...
and also a seat to attach to it for L2....
(I don't think it's this exact one, but pretty close)

We also ended up with (well, it's in the mail...Friday is the magical delivery day)
A BOB Revolution Stroller Strides stroller. A great stroller for jogging, walking, or going off on trails. It comes with tension tubing for an even better workout!

L2 is very excited about his new rides. L1 can ride his bike or run with us and is pretty excited that Mommy listened to him and bought a bike.

1 comment:

  1. You will love the bob and I want a bike! It is on my list! Just need the funds! I already have a bike trailer for the girls! And I will wal whenever!
